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Vinyl Fitting & Care


We find using an electric heat gun or hair dryer to gently warm the vinyl is the easiest way of removing it, though care must be taken not to overheat any glass or painted surfaces etc. Hot water is also a favourite with many. Vinyl removing chemicals are also available in stores, but most will remove fairly easily. 

Carefully lift one corner of the vinyl, using your fingernail, blade or a plastic window-scraper and peel away the vinyl. Do not scrape as this will damage the surface. Repeat this process on all required sections until completely removed. Any remaining glue residue, can easily be removed using a ‘Tar and Glue Remover’. We do highly recommend the use of panel wipes to ensure the best possible adhesion to your vehicle.


Tools: A spray bottle filled with a very weak solution of soapy water. Squeegee or old credit card, clean damp cloth. Panel wipe.

Wet Fitting. (Easy). Always easier to have another pair of hands available.

  1. Peel the (top) application paper carefully away from the backing paper, ensuring the sticker remains attached to the (top) application paper. If the edges look like they’re sticking to the backing paper, replace paper over it and rub gently with the face of your finger nail until it adheres to the application paper.
  2. Having cleaned the panel thoroughly with your panel wipe, spray with weak soapy water. A little can be sprayed on sticky side of your new sticker also. This will allow you to position it correctly in place.
  3. When happy with the positioning,  remove all excess water and bubbles with the squeegee/credit card until satisfied. Don’t rub too hard as this could easily damage the sticker underneath. Dab the sticker with the damp cloth to remove all excess water. Leave to dry, don’t rush to remove it. Once satisfied that your sticker is dry, carefully peel the application paper away, leaving your new sticker attached to your caravan. Then, stand back and admire your handiwork.

Please be aware; due to the printed nature of most of our more modern products, it is possible that the ink may run slightly if the sticker is washed immediately after fitting. This only happens with newly printed products, but to save any undue alarm, we ask that you DO NOT WASH your stickers for at least two weeks. Just dab with clean cloth to dry any water on the surface after fitting. We will not be held liable for stickers damaged by strong chemicals, abrasives or over enthusiastic polishing. Be aware: polish does get under the edge of stickers and will  cause contamination. 

Dry Fitting. (Hard and not for the faint hearted).

  1. Loosen the graphic from the backing paper, leaving the top, (application paper) in place.
  2. Using masking tape, tape along the top edge of your graphic and attach to the panel of your boat/car/caravan when positioned correctly.
  3. Peel the backing paper down slowly whilst carefully, rubbing along the surface of the application tape, in light downward and upward strokes, using a plastic credit card or the squeegee supplied.
  4. Once the graphic has adhered to the surface, carefully, peel off the application tape by turning it completely back on itself to avoid damaging your graphic.
  • Do not, under any circumstances, fit over old graphics.
  • Never use polish on your stickers. This gets under the edges and drastically reduces their lifetime and damages the print.
  • Never wipe with spirit based cleaners.
  • Only clean with warm soapy water. Do not wash within two weeks of fitting.
  • Do not jet wash.
  • Do not fit in hot weather.
  • Do not fit in frosty weather.

Laminated Products: If your item is laminated, under no circumstances must you attempt to peel off the laminate. This will destroy them. Wipe surface with your panel wipe, to ensure adhesion. Wait a few seconds for it to dry. Peel away the backing paper, sticky side with mild solution of soapy water and place. Remove excess water and leave to dry.

Resin Domed Badges: Ensure caravan surface is clean and free from any grit, grease or contaminants. Clean thoroughly with a panel wipe. Peel off backing paper and stick in desired position. Press badge down firmly to remove any air trapped behind.

We only use the highest grade inks and vinyls in the production of our stickers.

All our products are individually inspected  for damage and print errors prior to packing. It is up to you to check you have the correct items, sizes and colours before you open the package.

Caravan Stickers UK Ltd, cannot be held responsible for any damage caused to the graphics in transit, or when self fitting. Customers are advised to check for damage on receipt and before fitting. Please note: We will not replace stickers once fitted. It is up to YOU to carry out this inspection.